Kayala Bean! She snarfed that cheese cake down and wanted more! She loves sweets!

Hehe, Sky is such a cutie! He was so excited! You can see that my kiddos don't get sweets too often, lol.

My Birthday presents from Cade!!! Plus a really sweet card. My Mom got me lots of makeup and this really cool jewelry holder, and comfy yoga pants which I wear every day now, and an awesome workout set called the transfirmer (I know, she did way too much!) And I got a birthday card from Cade's parents with ten dollars in it! And a silver coin from my Grandma and Grandpa Smith.

Sky helped cut the cake!

Sky took this picture!!! Isn't he good! My delicious cheese cake, mmmm it was so good! My very good friend Susan Schneidenbach got to enjoy it with us. She came over and we made parmesian chicken and she taught me how to make a delicious spaghetti sauce, she is a great cook!

My apron I'm wearing was made by my bosom friend Mary Williams. I'll think of it as a birthday present from her :) It is soooo cute and fun and Sassy, I'll have to get a picture of the whole thing and post it!

Cade made me amazing hamlets! He could sell them at a restaurant they are sooooo good! He made them with roast beef and home made hash browns, and lots of other good stuff. Mmmmm they were amazing!
My birthday was a really good one this year! The best visiting teacher in the whole world planned a surprise birthday party for me! I had no idea and I even showed up a little late to it. She called me and was like, "Your coming right!!!???" lol, I then told her I was one minute away and when I knocked on her door I was greeted with lots of friendly smiling faces! She hand picked some of my closest friends to be there, it was absolutely wonderful! The kids played in the sprinklers and we all got to visit and we had an amazing taco salad!!!! It was perfect! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing visiting teacher and amazing friends here. My eyes tear up when I think of leaving this beautiful paradise in less than a year.
Then when I got home I made a cheese cake and it turned out absolutely amazing! I had to let it refrigerate for 4 hours afterward so we didn't get to eat it until the next day but it was sooooo good! My good dear friend and relative Janet Broderick did some research on how to make good cheese cakes and it's all how you bake it. So, if your interested let me know and I'll share with you what she learned.
It was so nice not having to make dinner! I got to lay on the couch and elevate my legs and read a good book while Cade slaved away in the kitchen :)
And then the perfect day ended as I was able to talk with lots of family members! Bekah and the cuz's in Washington, my dearest Shanna Banana, my beautiful mother, and my good ol pops. My sweet cousin Ashley called me but unfortunately I wasn't able to talk with her, I still need to call her back.
Thank you for the many of you who helped make my birthday simply wonderful!
Wish I could have been there!