While I'm blogging I might as well talk about my visit with Shanna. She is amazing! She had a beautiful home birth with just her husband and me and my Mom there. It was only a 4 hour labor and she delivered in the bath tub. She handled labor so amazingly! She would breathe and relax and when it got more intense she would breath deeper and moan a little. I couldn't believe she was in transition because of how calm she was! I was expecting some yelps or screams or something and there was none of that. Shanna you are amazing! She had a beautiful little girl Shyloh LaMoyne who weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces. My Sister is awesome (that's right Shanna, I know your reading this :) ) my Mom cut up chunks of her placenta and made smoothies with the vitamix and she drank it with delight. There were no chunks and she said it tasted like delicious smoothie :) Her placenta helped her to get tons of iron and help her get back into shape after the birth. My midwife knows someone who will encapsulate the placenta so you can take it like pills after your birth. Shanna brought up a very good point that most animals eat their placentas after birth. And if you think about it, anything you buy in the store with lots of iron in it like Floradix or chlorafill is really really expensive. So, I think that is awesome and am going to give it a try for after my birth! My last birth I lost way too much blood and could have used all that iron to help boost me up. Plus it's free :) So, way to go Shanna! Thanks for letting me be there and giving me good ideas.
Here are some awesome shots I captured

Yahoo!!!! I'm so excited Summer! I have your blog bookmarked so I can check it often! Its so cute and I love the pic of the family you put on! And you did that all by yourself! Good job mama! I'm so excited for you to give birth in October! Wish I could be there! I love you so much and keep up the bloging! (if you go longer than a month then I'm going to bug you ; )