Kayala's ducky cake! Isn't it adorable! I used homemade fondant which I learned from my dear beloved and missed friend Amie Orton for the bill, feet, ribbon and bubbles.

Sky decorated the left overs, he actually did pretty good!

She was so excited to eat her cake! She kept trying to snitch some of it all day. I finally had to hide it on top of the fridge so her and Sky couldn't destroy it before the birthday song.

Sky picked this balloon out for Kayala

We didn't get pictures of her with all of her presents and we don't have pics of any of them because we were video taping her opening them, darn it.

This was her last main gift, Sky hid it behind the couch. She loves it and her princess helmet! She rides it around in the house a lot and outside too when Sky rides his bike.
That cake rocks Summer! Your awesome! You should start a little baking buisness! Making bread and cakes! Those movies are great! I felt like I was there with you! Keep up the bloging! I love it