Anticipating the swim and the entire triathlon he had worked and trained so long for! Down to the final moments!
Cade was the first one to the buoy!!!! Can you see him? Lol
Thumbs up for Dad! Sky and Kayala were there with me cheering him on, they got a little restless toward the end, but they both said they want to do a triathlon with me and Cade when they grow up :) but Sky informed us that he would need a new bike, lol, because his has training wheels.
This was the top of a big, long hill, but he said that compared to the other hills on the coarse, it wasn't as bad.
Starting the very hilly 2 and a half mile run. Look at that good form!
The finishing sprint! There was a guy in his age group that was sneaking up on him at the very end and Cade saw him throughout the run and heard him at the final stretch and bolted to the finish line. You Did it CADE!
What's up with this? Ok, so, last year they did these awesome medals for those who got first, second and third place, this year they gave out cheap shams!!!! What's up with that? Here is a pic of him with his sham after he won his award.
I am soooo impressed Cade!!! You are so the man! Good for you dude you look AMAZING!