Kayala is such a big girl! She is out of her crib and sleeping in a big girl bed! We have been putting her on Sky's bottom bed and she loves it! Her and Sky will fall asleep reading books, they don't get out of their beds, and they don't keep each other up. I can't believe it! Kayala has grown up too fast, she isn't a baby! We were looking at pictures and videos of Sky when he was Kayala's age and he was such a baby at this stage! he hardly talked, still had his binki and blankey, diapers, and had a little baby voice. Kayala is like she is 2 going on 5! I can't believe it!
Here is cute, goofy Sky :) While Kayala naps me and Sky get to hang out and goof around and read books. Then after a while he has a quiet time while I get a little bit of time to myself before Kayala wakes up. Sometimes Sky falls asleep and sometimes he doesn't.

Rough Housing with Daddy! Sky's favorite thing to do when Daddy gets home!

Carmel Popcorn and Movie Night!!!!! The Broderick Family Tradition!

Sky and Kayala earned all their beans up to the line on their bean jar and for their reward they wanted carmel popcorn and a movie. We watched the goofy movie and danced to the music afterward.
is that the broderick family carmel too??