This picture was taken at 33 weeks, Now I am 34 weeks, only 6 more weeks to go! I ordered Dr. Christopherson's 6 week formula which is a bunch of awesome herbs in a pill form to prepare pregnant woman for birth. You start taking them 6 weeks before your due, I just got them in the mail today so it will be perfect because I turn 34 weeks tomorrow :) I'm am taking tons of pills and liquids like floradix and chlorophyll and I'm hoping and praying that it will help everything to run smoothly for the birth. I have gotten into a really good pill taking habbit and hope it will continue on after this pregnancy!
I am dying to find out what we are having! Our little mystery baby! I have had dreams that it is both a boy and a girl. Last night I had this crazy dream that I just gave birth to a baby boy but he was not a new born, he was more like 4 months old! He was huge and had black hair, lol. It's fun being pregnent and having all those crazy dreams! I think that not knowing what we are having and being so anxious to find out will give me something to think about other than contractions during the whole birth process. We'll see!

Cade is taking bords tomorrow and Sunday. Pray for him! He has been working and studying soooo hard. This morning he left at 8:00, didn't get home until 6:30 and he spent the whole time studying! I don't know how you can study that long! While he was working his tail end off studying me and the kiddos had a nice relaxing day at the park :)

We went to Zachary park and feed geese, crawdads, and big orange fish. The geese came so close and I was a little nervous because I heard they can be pretty vicious but they didn't attack, so that was good.

I feel bad, I didn't get any pics of Sky, I should have got one when he climbed to the top of the giant spiderweb! He was having so much fun playing he didn't want to stop and pose for a picture.
The weather has been so nice these past few days! It has been overcast with a nice cool breeze. I am really excited for fall! It is so beautiful here during the fall with all the beautiful leaves changing colors. And there are lots of pumpkin patches and festivals to go to. Sky and Kayala are already talking about what they want to be for halloween. Today we saw pumpkins at the grociary store and we passed the holloween candy and when Sky saw all the different kinds of candy he told me his favorite part of halloween is trick or treating!
And just think, this halloween we will probably have a new little pumpkin of our own! :)