Sky is 5 years old! I can't believe it! He has grown so much just these past few months. I was looking back at pictures from Christmas and he looked so much smaller! His Christmas jammies we got him are too short on him now. My little guy is growing up.
Sky chose to have a spiderman cake this year and a superhero birthday party! Him and Kayala helped me decorate some cup cakes. Kayala bean was so proud of the cupcakes she decorated :)

Sky had a blast giving himself a frosting mustache. He ate so much frosting with food coloring in it! That night he woke up at 3 in the morning coughing and not feeling well. Luckily he was fealing much better for his party, but his voice is gone and he is still coughing today. Poor guy, I should have paid more attention to how much he was eating. But now all he wants is carrot juice and kyolic because he wants to get better.

This year we actually had his birthday on his birthday! May 7th, this year it happened to fall on a saturday, which was perfect!

Kayala put this on and was so excited to get a picture with the cake!

Shanna and Joe! It's so nice having them close!
Jason and Shandra North with their cute kiddos, Jadon, Keagen, and Loflen (spelling?)Sky and Kayala love playing with them!
Nolan's so funny, he was so excited to get the spider cupcake and he licked the spider off and was all done, Lol
Hehe, I had to get a picture of this, I love Keagen's style of eating cupcakes!

Cute little tanner! We love him! He's a little angel! He is Wade and Jolene's, he is a month younger than Kayala
Sky had a blast giving himself a frosting mustache. He ate so much frosting with food coloring in it! That night he woke up at 3 in the morning coughing and not feeling well. Luckily he was fealing much better for his party, but his voice is gone and he is still coughing today. Poor guy, I should have paid more attention to how much he was eating. But now all he wants is carrot juice and kyolic because he wants to get better.
This year we actually had his birthday on his birthday! May 7th, this year it happened to fall on a saturday, which was perfect!