Kien is sooo sweet! This was him in December at one and a half months old. He was still wearing 0-3 months then. He is just so sweet and so happy! Big smiles all the time, he talks so much. He is the most adorable little baby boy in the whole world! We can say that because Sky isn't a baby anymore :) We love you Kien!
I love you Sky, as you are growing older you are becoming so independant! Pouring your own cereal, washing in the bathtub all by yourself, getting dressed and chosing all of your own outfits, wether they match or not, you don't really care just as long as your comfy. I can see your love for your brother and sister, even though you and Kayala have your squables, but you are usually the one to be the peace maker and fix the problems. Watching you build weapons with your trios and dressing up as a viking so you can slay dragons, and spiderman and batman. Your new love for tools and fixing things. I love you Sky, you are growing up so much I can't believe it. And I am loving every minute of it! Well, most of the time. I'm sorry for when I lose my temper or handle situations wrong. I hope you will always know that I love you and want the best for you.
My little Kayala Bean
Little Kayala Bean, we love her sassy personality. She is growing so fast and wants to do anything and everything she sees Sky or me or Cade do. She loves her baby brother, she kisses him, brings him toys, wipes up his spit up, and always makes sure I come to his aid when he is crying. In all of her prayers she thanks Heavenly Father for him. She loves loves loves dolls! But she says "They are babies, not dolls!" lol, her latest thing is whenever she sees me nursing Kien she'll come up on the couch with her baby and a birp cloth and she'll feed her baby the same way I feed Kien and when I burp him she'll burp her baby and change her diaper. It's really cute! She is way into princesses, she dresses up as one at least once a day!
My little Kien Bien
You were worth every moment during pregnancy and every contraction, and after cramping and all of the pains that come from having growing a baby and giving birth to one. Lol. I love you Kien! Our little angel! You were a rough start with that terrible rash and crying and fussing, but now that your all cleared up you are so happy and content. Your big beautiful bright eyes and your love for us! I can see it in your expressions, hwo much you love us and love being here. I love you Kien, Thank you for coming to us! To our family! I am so excited to grow with you and get to know your sweet little personality!
I was born and raised in Arizona and then met the man of my dreams and married him and now we are living in Missouri with 2 beautiful children and one on the way and I never thought I could be so happy and love being a mother so much. And I never thought I could love Missouri so much! It is so tempting to stay here, if only we had family here! But our ward is like family :) If we do leave, I am really going to miss it here! And all of the wonderful people we have been blessed to meet and get to know!